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3 Aug 2020
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We want you to know that on Friday, July 31, the City of Aspen's new mask zone ordinance went into effect. Going forward everyone should mask up while in downtown Aspen both indoors and outside. We have done a good job keeping the coronavirus rate down, but the pandemic is not over. my name is Emily, living in America ,I happened to visit Russian. I was lucky enough to buy a ticket on the golden ring , and this is the most amazing trip in my life.We traveled on a ship , which showed beautiful landscapes, scarlet sunsets and emotions took over me.I watched a lot and learned new territories for me,the views of nature and wonderful animals conquered my heart.I am very grateful to the tour organization that they tourists so well.The ship is in excellent condition , the team is very cheerful and friendly , I really liked everything. River Cruises ★ Welcome S-Cruises★ ☎ +13323318721 ☎ Your continued effort while you're here keeps us all safer. Thank you!